To my sisters of domestic violence:
The lie left the abuser’s mouth. A lie meant to destroy you. The lie that you are worthless, not valuable, stupid, unlovable, weak, a burden, a bitch, fat and ugly.
Each time he says those ugly lies they hit you like a ton of bricks. The lies crush your soul, yet you believe him. Every time you hear the lies, it hurts. You have accustomed yourself in hearing them. The lies have become a part of your day and life.
Perhaps, you look at your life and see no hope in your situation. Maybe all you see is hurt, hopelessness, and chaos.
You look for hope, yet you don’t see it. You look for love and it is nowhere near you. You see yourself alone and you feel like giving up.
I am here to tell you the truth. The truth is that you are worthy, valuable, smart, loveable, strong and courageous, a blessing, a righteous woman, and beautiful.
I am your sister. I want you to know that there is hope and new beginnings waiting for you on the other side of pain from domestic violence.
Perhaps you want to leave, yet you don’t know where to go or fear grips at your heart of even the thought. Maybe you just need to talk to someone that can give you direction. Below you will find resources just for you. Reach out to them and start a new life where abuse can’t reach you.
You are worthy, my sister.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center
International Toll-Free (24/7)
1-866-USWOMEN (879-6636)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
Casa de Esperanza
Linea de crisis (24 horas)
Battered Women’s Justice Project
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