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My Book

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to read. Reading pulls me into a different world, where characters live out their lives, adventures, struggles, and show how they resolve their struggles in life.

For over a year now, I had been working on my book, Ruth. This book has just been released and I want to invite you to take a journey with Ruth. This book was emotionally exhausting. There were weeks on end when I wouldn't write and other times when I was so angry at the character. I think people around me sensed my frustration. Needless to say, I pressed on and finished the book.

Ruth will share with you how she enters into a marriage with an abuser, and how her life gets sucked into her husband's dark life. She will share with you her life, her despair and her rescue.

I love Ruth's spirit of gentleness and the courageous woman she became. This is a story that takes you on her journey of abuse and survival.

Many women oblivious to the signs before them, enter a relationship with an abuser. A relationship that will be ever so hard to leave as it takes courage to leave and not return.

You can find my book at

The book is available in Kindle and paperback.

(All proceeds will be donated to Rescued for His Kingdom, a nonprofit to empower survivors of domestic violence)

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