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The Cobbled Road to the King's House

Straight to her King's house she went.

She wished she was dressed in her upmost best-

But her dress was torn & dirty-mere rags they had become.

As she walked towards the King's house,

On the cobbled road ahead-

She feared that he'd reject her-

And throw her out instead.

As she reached the Kingdom,

Bells were rung-

And hosts cheered on.

Flowers and welcomes were given to her-

As she continued her walk on that old cobbled road.

No one looked at her torn dress,

Or her heavy burdens that she pulled along the way.

She had no gift to give to her King-

In fact, unworthy she was to approach Him.

As she reached the golden arched doors,

Great bright hosts stood-

Cheers and songs rang aloud.

For the King had waited for His beloved to come home.

As she reached His throne,

She fell to her knees-

And worshiped her King.

Astonished she was,

When He stood from His throne-

And approached ever so near.

He gently touched her head,

Her burdens He took away-

And a crown was placed instead.

Her dress made white as snow,

For so great His love was for her-

That He took it all-

And made her whole.

~ Cesiah ~

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