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She Flew...

She found herself flying across the room-

Was this really happening to her? she asked in disbelief.

She landed hard on the floor-

In that dark, dark room.

Her head hit the edge of the door-

Like powerful lightning-

it struck her-

Down she went in pain.

The pain and disbelief left her quiet-

She wanted to yell- no sounds came out.

She cried inwardly to her Heavenly Father-

“Please help me, My God.”

Her heart beat fast- her body shook-

She hugged herself in a corner afraid to move.

Her head hurt- but the words that hit her ears-

Resonated louder than the pain that ran through.

I hate you- I hate you-

Were the words that hit her ears.

You are self-centered, evil, selfish-

You don’t belong!

“My Father, My Father,” she pleaded still-

“Rescue me from this monster-

His lies- his hate-

Sharp as a blade that drives deep down into my soul”.

In awe she was of God’s great love for her.

The heaven’s shook- as He came to her rescue-

For so great His love was for her.

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